Rocky Patel The Edge Cigar
Rocky Patel's The Edge stands out as one of the best-selling cigars from his collection. Handcrafted in Honduras, these cigars are renowned for their robust and spicy character, earning them the nickname "spice-bombs." The blend consists of rich and hearty Nicaraguan long-fillers, and enthusiasts can choose between two luxurious wrapper options.
As a full-bodied cigar through and through, The Edge is a go-to choice for aficionados who appreciate a powerful smoking experience. The Nicaraguan long-fillers contribute to a delightful level of spice, and the wrapper choice adds distinct flavor profiles. Opt for the Maduro for a rich and leathery smoke with a hint of sweetness, or choose the Corojo for an earthier profile featuring notes of cedar and spice. With The Edge, Rocky Patel offers a versatile and satisfying option for those who enjoy a full-bodied cigar with diverse flavor options.