Drew Estate Acid Kuba Grande Cigar
ACID Kuba Grande Cigars represent the larger iteration of the renowned infused cigar, measuring 6 inches in length with a 60-ring gauge. The ACID smoking experience is unparalleled, offering a journey into new frontiers of tobacco curing, blending, and flavor exploration. Crafted by hand in Nicaragua under the expertise of Drew Estate, ACID cigars stand out as truly one-of-a-kind, embodying uniqueness and inspiration.
Each blend within the ACID lineup promises a distinctive and kaleidoscopic range of tastes that push the boundaries of what can be imagined in a cigar. Smoking an ACID cigar is not just an activity; it's an adventure that rewards enthusiasts with an unparalleled and extraordinary sensory experience. Explore the entire ACID range to discover flavors and nuances that defy traditional expectations and elevate the artistry of cigar smoking.