Cusano MC Torpedo Cigar 6.00X52
Cusano cigars have solidified their standing as a household favorite among cigar enthusiasts, renowned for their unmatched quality and exceptional draw. The Cusano MC, hailing from the Dominican Republic, is a notable addition to this esteemed lineup.
- Brand: Cusano
- Line: Cusano MC
- Origin: Dominican Republic
- Ring: 52
- Shape: Torpedo
- Size: 6"
- Strength: Full
- Wrapper Color: Connecticut
- Manufacturer: Davidoff
With a full strength profile, the Cusano MC Torpedo promises a robust and gratifying smoking experience. The Connecticut wrapper not only enhances the cigar's visual appeal but also contributes to a well-rounded flavor profile. Crafted under the expertise of Davidoff, the Cusano MC Torpedo exemplifies the brand's commitment to delivering cigars of exceptional quality with varying strengths to cater to the diverse preferences of cigar connoisseurs.