Cusano MC Robusto Cigar 5.00X50
Cusano cigars have garnered widespread recognition among cigar enthusiasts, establishing themselves as a staple in many households. Each cigar within the lineup is characterized by unparalleled quality and an exceptional draw. The Cusano MC, proudly crafted in the Dominican Republic, is a standout offering.
- Brand: Cusano
- Line: Cusano MC
- Origin: Dominican Republic
- Ring: 50
- Shape: Robusto
- Size: 5"
- Strength: Full
- Wrapper Color: Connecticut
- Manufacturer: Davidoff
With a robust full strength, the Cusano MC Robusto delivers a potent and satisfying smoking experience. The Connecticut wrapper adds to the visual appeal while ensuring a well-rounded flavor profile. Crafted under the expertise of Davidoff, the Cusano MC continues the brand's tradition of providing cigars with exceptional quality and diverse strengths to cater to the preferences of a broad range of cigar aficionados.